Security Policy Overview

Information Security Objectives’s objective of managing information security is to ensure its core and supporting business operations continue to operate with minimal disruptions. shall ensure that all information that is used or stored by has absolute integrity and availability. shall guarantee that all relevant information is managed and stored with appropriate confidentiality procedures in place.

Information Security Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to protect the organization’s information assets from all threats, whether internal or external, deliberate or accidental.

It is the Policy of the organization to ensure that:

  1. Confidential information must be accessed only by persons that require access, always following the principle of least privilege.
  2. Stability, security and availability of our information must be kept consistent when affecting changes to’s systems.
  3. The integrity of our player information, as well as our business information, must be maintained at all times.
  4. To be the industry leading platform and media provider delivering world class secure solutions to our gambling partners and their customers.
  5. Compliance to gambling regulations and other legal requirements for our various licenses must always be in place, integrated within all our systems and business processes.

Information Security Risks

Risks at are managed through an Information Risk Management Framework adopted to ensure the timely identification and appropriate treatment of such risks, enabling the business to adopt a risk-based approach integrated into their decision-making processes.

The website may read some information from the users’ computers. The website or linked transactional websites may create and place cookies on the user’s computer to ensure the user does not have to answer challenge questions when returning to the site. This cookie will not contain personally identifying information and will not compromise the user’s privacy or security.


It is the responsibility of each member of staff to adhere to the Information Security Policy. All managers are directly responsible for implementing the Information Security requirements within their respective teams.

  • The Management Representative has direct responsibility for designing, planning, implementing and operating the ISMS within
  • The Internal Audit Committee has direct responsibility for verifying the effectiveness of the information security management system.
  • This Information Security Policy is subject to review when significant changes occur in the organization.

Website Design maintains a cohesive and professional appearance on its website. The goal is to maintain a relatively simple user interface to ensure that the website is easy to navigate for online users at all levels of experience. Security on the website and protection of member information is the highest priority in the layout and functionality of the site.

Website Changes

Changes to will be executed by the Marketing Department, another trained and qualified employee, or a specialized firm or individual they may retain, and only with the explicit approval of the President/CEO or senior executive designated. Website changes require two parties in order to implement. The website is reviewed on an annual basis by a third-party compliance expert.

What is the purpose of this security policy?

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines with respect to communication and updates of’s public facing website. Protecting the information on and within with the same safety and confidentiality standards utilized in the transaction of all business, is vital to’s success.